Dessert Delight

Dessert Delight

Sugar or salt scrub for teacher gifts or gifts

Here's How:
  1. For this body scrub, you can use salt or sugar. Sugar can be gentler on the skin. Just make sure to choose a sugar or salt that has small granules that won't tear at skin. A basic table salt or sugar works wonderfully. If you have super sensitive skin, you might opt for a dark brown sugar.
  2. Choose an oil. You can use baby oil or any of the following: organic extra virgin coconut oil (my absolute favorite, which you can buy at a health food store), almond oil, safflower, vegetable. According to Allure, makeup artist Joanna Schlip uses olive oil in the homemade scrubs she uses on actress Eva Longoria.
  3. You want 1 part oil to 2 parts sugar or salt. Place anywhere from a few tablespoons to a cup of salt or sugar in a container. Place half that amount of oil. Mix with a spoon. Don't freak out if the salt settles to the bottom. It's virtually impossible to keep it mixed.
  4. If you want your scrub to smell divine, put 5 drops of an essential oil into your mixture. Mix with spoon.
I bought these jars at hobby lobby and I decorated them with these stickers and ribbons.

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