Dessert Delight

Dessert Delight

Rosemary Potatoes

Here is the recipe for the potatoes I made last night.  I made this one up; as I often do for my dinners. I hope you love them as much as we do.

2 to 4 gold yokon potatoes (peel the skin off)
1/2 stick of butter (real butter)
1 small onion (slices)
Rosemary (to taste)
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350
Peel the potatoes and wash them.  Take the potatoes and make slice down the potatoes (do not cut the potato all the way thru) you want to keep the potato in tack.  Slice the onion in small pieces so that they will fit in between each slice of potatoes.

Take a sheet of foil to make a pocket pouch to put the potato in.  Place one potato on each sheet of foil..  Now you want to assemble your potato pockets.  Take one slice of onion and one slice of butter and place in between each slice of potato.  Sprinkle with Rosemary, salt and pepper and seal your pocket pouch.  Finish assembling however many potatoes you want and place them in a baking dish or sheet to prevent any spillage in the oven.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  Enjoy.

NOTE: I like alot of Rosemary so be generous with it.   YUMMY!


M. J. Vitelli said...

I like that idea and I love potatoes..Yum

M. J. Vitelli said...

Hi Girlfriend, Love potatoes and love your idea. This is another comment, hope it goes through. I am gonna try this. xo